I am Walking in Purpose

Renew Your


Ready to take action and manifest your desires?

The tribe will educate, support and encourage you every step of the way.

Energize Your


The fastest way to manifest you dreams, desires, ambitions is to put down the flesh and connect with your higher power. This happens through fasting and prayer.

Bring Joy to Your


Stop making excuses and start taking action. Make time for yourself for 28 day and watch how you manifest your dreams.

I Take Action


Message from Our Creator

Hey! Cathy here!

Welcome to Exuding Wellness

I am and will always be my first client

You see me and you are no different

Yes we may have different goals, dreams, upbringings and such

But deep down we both desire the same thing

To love our lives and the reflection we see back in the mirror

This is why we offer specific programs and services to assist you on your journey

My journey began with weightloss, eating healthy and working out

But I quickly realized the weight I was holding was spiritual

I had unproccessed emotions that kept arising in guilt, shame, anger and bitterness

I wanted a change but kept blaming others

I wanted to be happy but kept focusing on who hurt me and the times I didnt speak up for myself

Realizing I was no longer in control I submitted to The Creator

I got heavy into the Bible and realized it gave me the exact blueprint to reclaim my power

My Mind began to reprogram

The way I acted and reacted in situations changed

I began to love my life, waking up exctied for a new day and new opportunity

My Body began to shape and tone

I desired fruits and veggies

I took to fasting and realized that I was emotional eating instead of for nutrition

Even though I love pizza and fries

The desire for fruits and veggies began to take hold and I no longer wanted fast food, candy, chips and soda

My Soul lit up

I was on fire excited to help others and share my new found light

Creative ideas flowed to me and the execution was no longer intimitading or daunting

I am now offering you the chance to take action

To love yourself and your life the way that I do

Join the Wellness Journey

I am living proof it will turn out better than you imagined


I am Exuding Wellness

Don't believe us, believe them


"I've always been into myself, but after working with Cathy, I learned what it means to truly love myself.

I am now the priority and I no longer chase what is stopping me from bringing joy to my soul."



Working with Cathy allowed me to see how amazing I am.

She helped me to realize that because I have everything that I need within me there is no place for fear.

Thank you, Cathy, for my new beginning.


Tribe Member

This was the best choice I made. My expectations were blown away.

Cathy didn't let me give up and continually motivated and supported me. I have learned better habits to support me on my journey.



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I am Unleashing My Greatness

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